शनिवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2009

दुधवा का मौसम

October to February
March to June
June to September
Rainfall 1500 mm. (Average)
Nov to Feb.
Max 20°C-30°CMin 4°C - 8°C
Frequent frost, chilly nights
March to May
Max 30°C-35°CMin 10°C-15°C
Pleasant mornings & evenings.
June to Oct
Max 35°C-43°CMin 20°C-25°C
Heavy rains, hot and humid climate.
90% of total rainfall lies between June to September that is why Dudwa Tiger Reserve remains closed from 15th June to 14th Nov. every year for the visitors. January is very cold and the average temperature remains between 9°C to 22°C with fogy nights. May and June remain very hot with maximum temperature 40°C to 43°C.

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